Summer of Code/Application Template
Write a small introduction for yourself: What email address do you use?:
What is your IRC nick on freenode, if you have one:
What country are you from, and at what time are you most likely to join IRC?
What are you studying?
Why do you want to participate in Summer of Code?
Do you have any other commitments during the summer?
Do you plan to take a vacation? If yes, when?
What is your prior software development experience?
Have you developed software in a team environment before?
Have you participated in Google Summer of Code before?
As a mentor or a student?
In what project?
Was it successful? If not, please state why:
Describe your fluency level in written English:
What spoken languages are you fluent in?
Did you select a project from our ideas list? If so, why did you select this project?
If you selected your own project, please describe the project and the scope. What made you come up with this project?
Please give an estimated timeline for your work on the project. If you have any exams, vacations or other things that will keep your from programming that you know about already, please include them in your schedule. Please give as much technical detail about your implementation plans as possible.
What do you expect to gain from the project?
What would make you stay in the WorldForge/Ryzom/CEGUI community after the conclusion of GSoC?
What tools do you normally use for development? Why?
What programming languages are you fluent in
Please provide a telephone number we could use to contact you if for whatever reason email and IRC fail. We will not use this telephone number for anything apart from contacting you if computer- based communication fails and we need to contact you urgently.