Wombat/Using Wombat

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Installing WOMBAT

This instruction assumes you already have Pylons 0.9.7 set up. If your system has Pylons 1.0 installed, you still need to install 0.9.7, as Wombat can't work with Pylons 1.0 yet. Unfortunately installing the 0.9.7 version is a bit involved these days. All the dependencies are there, but some of them need to be in a specific version for Pylons 0.9.7 to still work. Currently, I recommend using:

$ virtualenv sandbox
$ source sandbox/bin/activate
$ pip install Pylons==0.9.7 WebOb== WebHelpers==0.6.4 Routes==1.10.3

If your system doesn't have "pip" installed, replace the "pip install" by "easy_install".

After you installed Pylons, get the release as descibed above and do the following:

$ easy_install SQLALchemy
$ easy_install wombat-0.4.3-py2.5.egg            # or whatever version of wombat you want to use
$ paster make-config wombat wombat.ini

This will create a configuration file called ***wombat.ini*** in the current directory. Edit that to make sure all the settings you want are active. Now, create the initial database.

$ paster setup-app wombat.ini

Then, get a checkout of the media repo.

$ svn co https://svn.worldforge.org:886/svn/media/trunk media

Now, let's give WOMBAT a try while still noticing errors early

$ paster serve wombat.ini

This will run WOMBAT while logging to stdout. Now you can point your browser at whichever port you configured in wombat.ini and use the site. If you're happy and want to run it without having to keep the console attached, Ctrl-C out of the current server and run paster with the --daemon option.

$ paster serve --daemon wombat.ini

Now direct your browser to the WOMBAT page and trigger a scan. Depending on the speed of your internet connetion, this can take quite some time, as getting the revision information requires contacting the SVN server.

Common Issues

Some distributions (like Ubuntu 9.04 and newer) seem to install python add-ons in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages instead of .../site-packages, which the current go_pylons.py script doesn't seem to get. You will have to go into your pylons lib/python2.6/site-packages directory and manually create links to PIL and pysvn.

$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL
$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL.pth
$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pysvn

I hope this gets fixed in the pylons installer in the near future.

Development Setup

To install an environment more suited towards development, follow the following instructions:

Once you have installed pylons and have activated your sandbox, install WOMBAT as follows, downloading from Git and using the development environment instead.

$ easy_install SQLALchemy
$ git clone git://github.com/worldforge/wombat.git
$ paster setup-app development.ini

At this point, continue installing as above starting with the svn checkout.


WOMBAT is designed to be easy to use without having to read a lot of documentation, so we'll just cover some example use cases here. If you run into anything that is unclear, feel free to file a bug.

Browse For Artwork

Depending on your browsing habits, you can pick your favorite approach when browsing. I personally prefer the directory view, so let's cover that first.

Wombat directories menu button
Wombat tag cloud menu button

As shown on the left, the WOMBAT menu bar has a button labelled "Directories". Click that and you'll get the directory view of the media repository. From there you can browse the directory structure of the media repository same as if it was on your local disk.

If you prefer a more Web 2.0 method of browsing, click the "tag cloud" button as shown on the right. That will get you to the tag-based browsing. (As of version 0.4.4, this is not fully implemented yet.)